Whittier Local | Crystal
We are incredibly excited to introduce you to our friend Crystal -- an awesome Whittier local who we often see at the shop and coffee bar.
Prompted out of an Instagram post, we were reminded at just how quickly time can fly! Crystal has been coming to the store with her daughter over the last 3 years, and we thought it would be fun to share more about their journey and why she keeps coming back. We are so grateful for our "regulars" and the folks who bring life and love to our space. Here's more from Crystal's story:
What’s your connection to the Whittier community?
Me and my husband moved to Whittier in 2010. We bought our home in Whittier in 2014 and welcomed our daughter in 2015. I have always had a love for their great city but it grew even stronger when I became a mother.
During my pregnancy I started working out with Evelyn of Maternifit. I continued to see her postpartum. Through Evelyn, I met Becky of My Postpartum Tribe. My Postpartum Tribe is a free mom to mom support meeting in Whittier. The of women from this group were so helpful and non judgmental during those first postpartum years. I would definitely recommend this group for any mama! Their meeting information can be found on their website or Instagram.
Becky and Evelyn inspired and encouraged me to start my own meeting. In April of 2017 I started hosting free meetups for mothers who were struggling with anxiety nursing in public called N.I.P. n' Sip. I have had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing moms and watched them empower each other in their breastfeeding journeys. It's such an incredible thing to witness.

How did you first hear about Local Fixture? How long have you been coming to the shop?
Me and my husband used to live one block down from Local Fixture. We were walking to the bank one night and saw this store that had just opened. We stopped inside and were greeted by David and Jason. They let us know that they had just opened up and told us a little about the store. My husband bought me the cutest red rhinestone clutch that night. I thought it was great and nothing like any of the stores we had in Whittier. I've been coming ever since!

Favorite products or items? Favorite drink or food at the coffee bar?
My favorite product is the Suavacito pomade! Me and my husband both use it and I love the scent! Ella loves the Lily and Momo bows and all of the accessories, especially the new rings. My favorite drink is an iced vanilla almond latte. Although, Anthony suggested oat milk when it was brought into the shop, and that was AMAZING. I can't wait for it to be in stock again!

What brings you back to Local Fixture regularly?
The quality coffee and amazing staff. Everyone is always so welcoming. There is such a sense of community there.

Have you connected to anyone (friendships) because of Local Fixture? If so, can you tell us the story?
Local Fixture did a Mother's Day spotlight on a few of the regular mama customers, Olivia. I started following her on Instagram and we became instant friends. We met up for drinks at the Double Tree and talked for a few hours about everything. Our bartender was surprised that we had just met in person for the first time. Haha. I love that social media can create friendships. Olivia has become one of my closest friends and we meet for coffee, playdates and mom dates almost every week!

Can you tell us a little bit more of who you are and your background? Work or interests, family life, etc.
I love vintage clothing and accessories from the 1950's and 60's. Before I had our daughter I dressed in the vintage style every day. I was even Miss Uptown Whittier in 2012! I save those clothes for special occasions because they aren't very practical when at Central Park with a toddler! Haha.
Lastly, here are the images from Crystal's Instagram post that showcases her daughter here at the store over the years! Thank you Crystal for your support and making this place a brighter place. We appreciate you and your family.